The specialty store in Japan such as "Peach John (Chinese greatness and Momoha)" of the undergarment that becomes Mujirushi-Ryohin

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Special shop street "The fifth street (Ufantie)" that makes a Japanese brand Maine opens under the soil in the beginning of August, and it crowds with young people about shopping mall "Rashiro (Malochon)" that externals of the globe are unique.

The specialty store in Japan such as "Peach John (Chinese greatness and Momoha)" of the undergarment that becomes Mujirushi-Ryohin, franc franc of general merchandise, and Segami and the first in continental in China branch shop of the drugstore queues up by about 20 shops, and the way of Chika Eki in Japan.

The voice "It is glad to complete the shop that traveled to Japan and had come to like it" was asked.

- Becoming the first in continent in China landing and sea"Peach John"

- Peach John

- Source

Japan is good country!
PLEASE come here!





このページは、jp_masterがSeptember 7, 2010 7:02 PMに書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「The net profit or loss was a deficit of 2.3 billion yen according to the consolidated statement of 2nd quarter at the period on November, 2010 that Levi Strauss Japan」です。

次のブログ記事は「Casual clothes chain "Zara" of Spain opening a store in Amupraza Kagoshima in Kagoshimashi in the end of November has understood the 19th. 」です。
